Sophie-Laurence VIDAL

Lawyer specializing in labor law and Mediator

The right of work


Reasoned negotiation

Collaborative law

Law firm fees at the Paris Bar

Practicing a liberal profession, Maître Sophie-Laurence Vidal enjoys the possibility of freely setting her fees. In order to satisfy you, the lawyer ensures that his remuneration is concluded with your agreement. The lawyer welcomes you to his office for a first meeting, without obligation. In addition to questions of fees, this interview allows you to get to know each other and explain the business.

Setting attorney fees

Maître Sophie-Laurence Vidal undertakes to set her fees in complete transparency. It allows you to choose from different fee agreements: time spent, fixed price or result.

The amount of his remuneration depends on the complexity of the case and the economic situation of the client. The experience and reputation of the lawyer are also elements taken into account to define their remuneration. In all cases, Maître Sophie-Laurence Vidal assures you a quality of service corresponding to your expectations.

Lawyer specializing in labor law

Advice and litigation




Communication skills

Professional Ethics

My professional trajectory

My vision of the profession

My story my journey

My added value

My vision of the profession

My story my journey

My added value

Fee agreements

Fees for time spent

The calculation of the lawyer's fees is based on the number of hours he spent studying and processing your case.

Fixed-price fees

This agreement is applied in the context of a specific case allowing a fixed and definitive remuneration to be agreed in advance with the lawyer. If the file requires new diligence, it will be subject to additional remuneration.

Fees based on results

The law prohibits paying the lawyer only if your case is successful. This type of agreement is thus composed of basic remuneration (for time spent or fixed rate) and remuneration based on results, calculated according to the benefits obtained, and the method of calculation of which has been predefined by the agreement.

Disputing attorney fees

Disputing legal fees is done by contacting the President of the Bar and the Consumer Mediator. Before carrying out this procedure, it is advisable to discuss the dispute with your lawyer. An agreement can generally result from this. Otherwise, you are free to take your action to dispute fees.

Carole PASCAREL - Consumer Mediator for the Legal Profession

Address: 180 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris

Email address: mediateur-conso[@]

Site Internet :


Sophie-Laurence VIDAL

Law firm in Paris, Maître Sophie-Laurence Vidal provides

His experience is at your disposal to advise you and defend your interests in the best possible way.

01 85 53 51 45
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