Sophie-Laurence VIDAL

Lawyer specializing in labor law and Mediator

Lawyer specializing in reasoned negotiation in Paris

The principled negotiation method was developed in the 1970s by Professors Roger Fisher and William Ury, professors of law at Harvard. It was during the Camp David Accords in 1978 that this method was used for the first time. Building on their experience, Fisher and Ury then founded the Harvard Negotiation Project in 1979.

An approach based on 4 key principles

Reasoned negotiation is based on four fundamental principles that guide the conflict resolution process:

Separation of people and problem

It's about treating the problem as such, putting aside emotions and personal relationships. By focusing on the interests at stake rather than the positions taken, it becomes possible to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Focus on interests

Rather than clinging to fixed positions, principled negotiation encourages parties to identify and understand the underlying interests that motivate their respective positions. This approach paves the way for creative solutions that satisfy all parties involved.

Search for mutually beneficial solutions

By seeking options that meet the interests of all parties, reasoned negotiation promotes the search for win-win agreements. It is about developing solutions that provide mutual benefits rather than seeking to obtain an exclusive advantage.

Use of objective criteria

Reasoned negotiation is based on objective, measurable and reliable criteria, accepted by all parties. This allows the negotiation to be anchored on a solid and transparent basis, thus avoiding haggling and unnecessary conflicts.

Lawyer specializing in labor law

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Reasoned negotiation, a way to avoid disputes

Reasoned negotiation offers many advantages, including:

    Take into account the needs and concerns of each party, thus promoting mutual understanding and better communication. Use objective criteria to support the negotiation and rely on concrete and measurable elements that are accepted by all parties. Exceeding the emotions and adopt a positive and constructive approach to facilitate exchanges and the search for common solutions. Explore a variety of possible solutions from which the parties can choose the one that provides them with the greatest mutual benefit. Achieve a win-win negotiation where all the parties find satisfaction and preserve or restore positive relationships.

Reasoned negotiation finds a particularly relevant application in the field of labor law where personal and emotional aspects are often at stake.

The parties involved may have difficulty moving past their emotions and finding common ground.

A lawyer trained in reasoned negotiation is able to guide his clients towards an agreement satisfactory for all parties, thus promoting the maintenance of good relations between them.

He will know how to preserve social bonds and ease tensions thanks to a balanced and respectful approach.

Reasoned negotiation, a powerful tool

Reasoned negotiation represents a powerful tool for resolving conflicts peacefully and constructively. Calling on a lawyer specializing in reasoned negotiation allows you to explore alternatives to litigation and promote mutually beneficial agreements. This approach promotes the preservation of relationships, while making it possible to find lasting and satisfactory solutions for all parties involved.


Sophie-Laurence VIDAL

Law firm in Paris, Maître Sophie-Laurence Vidal provides

His experience is at your disposal to advise you and defend your interests in the best possible way.

01 85 53 51 45
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